Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sexy Thighs - Targeted Thigh Toning and Thigh Slimming Exercises For Women

For a woman any kind of physical activity, including thigh toning exercise is beneficial. 
Whether your goal is to improve the appearance of your body or your general health, thigh slimming exercises can surely help you reach your goals.
Human beings were built to walk and move. But, most modern jobs require a lot of sitting - especially for women. This leads to health problems and negatively affects our appearance (wide flabby hips and thick, heavy thighs, etc...). Since we can't all quit our jobs and make a living walking through the forests, a regular fitness routine is imperative. The right thigh toning exercises are an important part of that routine.
What should you do? Walking and/or jogging on a regular basis is a good start. Do things that encourage you to walk more, such as parking further away from your building and taking the stairs instead of the elevator (yes you've heard that before - but are you doing it?).
Three times a week, do specific thigh slimming and toning exercises, if your thighs are a problem area for you. Below, you will see the written description of a movement that works well, but it really helps to have a video, e-book or diagram to insure that you are performing them correctly. For some women, it is also helpful to exercise in front of a mirror - to check for proper form.
Improper form can cause injury and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise - leaving you with disappointing results. Here is one thigh exercise to add to your exercise routine.
*Hip Adduction Thigh Exercise

Lie on your side (preferably on an exercise mat), with your head resting on the top of your arm, which should be flat on the floor. Assuming you are lying on your right side, your right leg should be straight and flat on the floor. Bring your left leg up/forward and place your ankle on the floor in front of your right leg. Once you have that position, hold your left ankle or shin with your left hand and slowly raise your right leg off of the floor.
Confused yet?
Written descriptions of thigh slimming exercises can be very confusing, especially to the beginner. A person that has done this type of thigh toning exercise before, gets the idea, almost immediately. But a woman who is new to the movement can easily become confused and frustrated.
Hip abductions are very effective thigh slimming exercises, but they must be performed correctly. And they must be done in conjunction with several other butt, hip and thigh exercises to bring you the results you a seeking.
You may either need the help of a trainer, a good instruction manual or a DVD. There's really no point in doing this single thigh exercise, if you are not doing it correctly or you are not combining it with the right exercises. You could easily hurt yourself - or simply waste your time.
The bottom line is that specific thigh toning and thigh slimming exercises can be extremely effective, but you need to be sure you are following a well rounded routine that consists of several critical exercises - no just one. The right combination and sequence of lower body exercises can transform your butt, hip and thigh trouble spots into a beautiful work of art.
Click here to learn more about these butt lifting, hip slimming, thigh toning exercises http://www.TheButtHipThighMethod.com - This site is run by one of the top woman's trainers in the world, Mr. J. Atlas, Exercise Physiologist
Jeri-Jo Gennusa is a former Physical Training Coordinator for the U.S. Navy. She is now a writer and adviser on the subject of woman's home exercise & fitness for body and lifestyle enhancement.
Note: The Butt Hip and Thigh Method website has more information on the Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover.


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